Sunday, 18 May 2014

This Week


1. Pretty roses on my kitchen table.


2. And on my bedside table.


3. Meal planning and recipe book inspiration.


4. I decided I really, really wanted a crocheted cherry brooch.


5. Lemon drizzle cake - my family appreciate a full cake tin.


6. Miss M is loving the current craze for loom bands.


7. I have been finding loom band bracelets all over the house!


8. I am almost finished Miss M's stripy blanket. Just the edging to do, the part I enjoy most.


9. A teeny tiny bloom picked from the garden and displayed in an egg cup.


Another week seems to have whizzed by! Honestly, where does the time go?!


Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend? I was working for most of it so I'm looking forward to some blog reading, crochet and tea this evening!








  1. gorgeous photos and yes, you are right another week over, where does the time go?

  2. I have a couple of those cookery books - yet to be drawn out in my challenge. I wish I had a lily of the valley but I think I was a bit over zealous with the lawnmower as they've disappeared! I also wish I had that lovely blanket - such pretty colours. x

  3. Time flies when you are happy, and look at all the happy things on your blog.

  4. Beautiful photos, I often wonder where times goes it seems to be flying by at the moment. The blanket is looking beautiful. Have a great week.

  5. Ah yes, my 7yr old wants to make some of those - everywhere at school at the moment! Is that the Lisa Faulkner book I spy? I've got that and the new one, but haven't opened the new one yet... x

  6. Lovely photos and cheery post xx

  7. Everything is looking happy and good at your place Marianne - am loving your beautiful clear pics - and is that a lily-of-the-valley bloom I spy there? Maybe not? Miss M's blanket is looking gorgeous, well done! Love, Joy xo

  8. What a beautiful week you had. I LOVE the cherries brooch, so sweet. It looks perfect with that top. And the cake looks so good. Thanks for sharing these pretty, happy things.

  9. What great pictures from the past week. The book "Cute and easy crochet" is sitting right next to me and I have flipped through it sooo many times. Lots of fun projects in there. Im looking forward to seeing the stripy blanket all finished. Thanks for sharing your happy things.

    Birgitta xx

  10. Lovely, happy pictures. I love fresh flowers around the house although not many come from my garden. And I need to make lemon cake today, it's on my to-do list.

  11. I love all your photos-so bright and pretty. I like your cherry brooch. I've made a few and I like wearing mine on my denim jacket. Our family loves lemon drizzle cake too. It's easy to make and so delicious. Miss M's blanket is looking so pretty. She's a lucky girl. Have a lovely week!

  12. Miss M's stripy blanket looks lovely, looking forward to seeing it finished. My little music students keep me up to date on the latest crazes, they're all wearing loom band bracelets and I've even had a demonstration on how to make one. How lovely that such a simple idea can get young minds creating. Have a great week and enjoy this evening's blog catch-up and crochet.
    Jane x

  13. When my daughter first mentioned the rainbow looms I got it in my head that they are called crazy loons:) So now they are crazy loons in our house lol

  14. Ah Lily of the Valley, a plant I don't have but would love in an enclosed space in my garden, the scent is wonderful. Hope you have another good week. Jo x

  15. I love your new brooch! It looks great on that top as well, hope that you love it too. Miss M's blanket looks lovely, the colours that you used go so well together. Hope that you are having a good week. xx

  16. Looks a very productive week! Cake looks yummy, we love a lemon cake here too!
    Your crochet blanket is coming along beautifully, such pretty colours, and I love the little brooch.
    Have a good week Marianne!
    Gill xx

  17. My cousin was proudly showing me his loom band bracelet yesterday, they look very fun to make. Your Lily of the valley is so pretty. Your crochet blanket looks very pretty really like the colours your using xx

  18. Beautiful pictures Marianne and I LOVE the stripey blanket,
    Kate x

  19. Loom bands - I keep seeing these on blogs but haven't succumbed yet, I'm just waiting for my daughter to ask me for some. Your crochet blanket is looking good, I do like the colours you've chosen. And you have some lovely cookery books! x

  20. So many pretty things, beautiful flowers, oh I love Spring, gorgeous recipe books to trawl through for inspiration (my idea of fun) and then all those lovely crochet books for inspiration. Your blanket is coming along beautifully and I am loving the colours that you chose. I haven't had lemon drizzle for a while and I suspect it will be a while still, so enjoy! xoxo

  21. Oh so many pretty things in your house.Im loving your blanket the colours are so beautiful together. Your baking looks delicious x

  22. What a colourful week you've had! I love lemon cake, can you save me a slice? XX


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